Shortly before our wedding anniversary my husband asked me what I wanted, and I laughed and said "a goat". Well, I definitely married the right man - because I got exactly what I wanted! Now, it is a bit off-season as most are born in the spring. But we found a couple of ones we liked.
First is Thor. He is a 3 month old Fainting Goat. He was kind of picked on in the herd we got him from, and I have a soft spot in my heart for the underdog. He is so sweet, he thinks he's a dog and will just hop into your lap. I'm hoping to get a few does and breed and raise fainting goats. They are just so sweet.
Next is Sheeba. As in, Queen of Sheeba. She is a year and a half old, and has that teenage mentality of thinking she's in charge of everything. We got these two first, and she would keep letting poor little Thor know that she was top goat in the herd.
She is a pygmy/cross and won't get much bigger than she is now.
Next are the first of our milking goat herd. They came with names, but I have to get a feel for them to see if they fit their personality. For now - the mom (Misty) and daughter (Snowball). They are pure-bred Nubians and are just as sweet as can be. But momma sure lets Sheeba know that she is now top goat! They are much bigger than the other two but very friendly.
Our anniversary date fell during our family reunion a couple of weeks ago. We were discussing the fact that I was getting some goats for my present and my mom (who is a big fan of jewlery for her gifts) said "I think my daughter needs a lesson on gifts!" My dad laughed and said, "I think my wife is the one who needs the lessons." I sure am lucky to have a man in my life who supports me in both my brainy and farm wife aspects of my life!
Gorgeous goaties! Congratulations and happy anniversary :) Come visit my Pasqualina and Pinta any time you like at Goat Berries!